Laboratory Facilities
- Clinical Pathology Lab
- Histopathology Lab
- Tissue Processing Facility
- Museum
- Postmortem Facility for Large and Small Animals
- Postmortem Facility for Poultry
Equipments (Instruments)
- Student’s microscopes
- Binocular microscopes
- Dark field unit
- Phase contrast microscope
- Fluorescent microscope
- Semi-automatic rotary microtome
- Paraffin floatation bath
- Paraffin bath oven
- Refrigerator
- Automatic tissue processor
- Cryostat, Hot air oven
- Auto staining unit
- Microtome knife sharpener
- Post-mortem sets
- Deep freezer
- ncubator
- Centrifuge
- Spectrophotometer
- Hemocytometer
- Hemoglobinometer
- Refactrometer
- Lactometer
- Blood cell counter (Manual)
- pH Meter
- Autoclave
- Distillation unit
- Water bath
- Slide warming table
- Weighing balance.
Teaching Aids
- LCD Projector
- Microscope with camera attachment
Capacity (No. of Students)
- P.G. = 2 &Ph.D = 2