
Laboratory Facilities
  1. Clinical Pathology Lab
  2. Histopathology Lab
  3. Tissue Processing Facility
  4. Museum
  5. Postmortem Facility for Large and Small Animals
  6. Postmortem Facility for Poultry
Equipments (Instruments)
  1. Student’s microscopes
  2. Binocular microscopes
  3. Dark field unit
  4. Phase contrast microscope
  5. Fluorescent microscope
  6. Semi-automatic rotary microtome
  7. Paraffin floatation bath
  8. Paraffin bath oven
  9. Refrigerator
  10. Automatic tissue processor
  11. Cryostat, Hot air oven
  12. Auto staining unit
  13. Microtome knife sharpener
  14. Post-mortem sets
  15. Deep freezer
  16. ncubator
  17. Centrifuge
  18. Spectrophotometer
  19. Hemocytometer
  20. Hemoglobinometer
  21. Refactrometer
  22. Lactometer
  23. Blood cell counter (Manual)
  24. pH Meter
  25. Autoclave
  26. Distillation unit
  27. Water bath
  28. Slide warming table
  29. Weighing balance.
Teaching Aids
  1. LCD Projector
  2. Microscope with camera attachment
Capacity (No. of Students)
  1. P.G. = 2 &Ph.D = 2