Rain Water Harvesting Model of RAJUVAS
Necessity:– Bikaner has an annual rainfall of around 250 mm which falls short of requirements.
The main campus of RAJUVAS is spread over 63000 Sqm. of area. The annual rain water availability in the campus is expected to be around 95.00 lac liters. RAJUVAS was thinking of utilizing rainfall to enhance its green cover. Efforts were initiated very humbly to divert flowing water on its roads to green beds by the side of roads. After establishment of the University, plan was prepared to harvest rain water from the roofs of buildings, roads, water coming in the campus from outside and even rain water collecting around its boundaries.
Layout of rain water harvesting system:
Type 1: Harvesting rain water from buildings:– To collect rain water 5 RCC underground water tanks with total capacity of 9.5 lac liters have been constructed at different locations in the RAJUVAS campus. Out of these, 3 tanks are of 2.5 lac liters capacity each and 2 tanks with 1.0 lac liters each capacity, totaling to 9.5 lac liters. Surface and roof top rain water is collected in these tanks through pipe and chamber system. Collected water, after filtration, is stored in these tanks and over flow/surplus water is carried to the existing open dry well located within the campus and in two newly constructed soakage wells. It is expected that around 68.00 lac liters of rain water per annum shall be there for underground recharging. Simultaneously, RAJUVAS shall be able to utilize around 30 lac liters of water for drinking and other purposes. Complete system, including RCC underground tanks, chambers and pipe line system, filters and soakage wells have been constructed. The system is ready for collection of surface rain water and roof top rain water from existing buildings. The system is constructed is such a way that roof top water from any other building can also be carried to the main system. At present 5 building are connected to the main system in the first phase. Remaining buildings of the campus will be connected in second phase very shortly. The schematic diagram showing complete rain water harvesting system of RAJUVAS campus is enclosed for kind perusal.
Type 2: Harvesting of road surface rain water:– For this purpose, Toe walls along the sides of roads were built providing around a meter space between road and toe wall. This space was covered by cement blocks fixed on sand. The road as well as blocks provided ample slope to allow water to collect along the toe wall. Since, cement blocks have been fixed over sand, space between blocks (1-2 mm) allowed water to percolate into sand. Toe wail v/as punctured at appropriate places and GI pipes fitted in the hole across the toe wall. Excess water along toe walls was allowed through these pipes to the greenery bed providing sufficient water to plants and excess to be percolated in to the earth. The schematic diagram showing this type of water harvesting is enclosed for kind perusal.
Type 3: Harvesting of rain water accumulated at road junction out side boundary wall of RAJUVAS:– The boundary on the corner of hostel premises at Chaudhary Bhimsen Circle used to have around half a meter deep accumulation of rain water. This accumulated water used to disrupt the traffic at this busy square and leading to damage to NH 11. RAJUVAS thought it proper to harvest this rain water into our own land across the boundary wall. At three places, Hume pipes of 6” diameter were placed across the wall. Land near the boundary was dressed in a way that its level remains more than 1 feet lower than the road side level. This allowed water to flow into our campus and absorbed by soil. Now we have planned to develop a green belt at this point so that plants get many times more water. The schematic diagram showing this type of water harvesting is enclosed for kind perusal.
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय इन्टरक्लास खेलकूद एवं सांस्कृतिक मुकाबले ”स्पिरीट-2025” शुरू
- प्रेस-विज्ञप्ति वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना विशेष शिविर का हुआ समापन
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय गौवंश भ्रूण प्रत्यारोपण प्रयोगशाला और डेयरी उत्पाद विनिर्माण इकाई का हुआ शिलान्यास
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय एन.एस.एस. स्वयंसेवकों ने कतरियासर में निकाली नशा मुक्ति रैली
- गौवंश भ्रूण प्रत्यारोपण प्रयोगशाला और डेयरी उत्पाद विनिर्माण इकाई का हुआ शिलान्यास
- गांव गाढवाला में रोगाणुरोधी प्रतिरोध विषय पर जागरूकता शिविर का आयोजन
- एन.एस.एस. स्वयंसेवकों ने कतरियासर में निकाली नशा मुक्ति रैली
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय आजीवन अधिगम एवं एकल स्वास्थ्य विषय पर सेमिनार का हुआ आयोजन
- एन.एस.एस. का सात दिवसीय शिविर शुरू
- स्टूडेंट पुलिस कैडैटस का आपदा प्रबंधन प्रशिक्षण सम्पन्न
- एग्री एक्सपो-2025 जोबनेर में वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय की प्रदर्शनी आयोजित
- किसानों, युवाओं और उद्यमियों का व्यवसायिक भेड़-बकरी पालन प्रशिक्षण सम्पन
- सतत बकरी पालन हेतु क्षमता निर्माण प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम का समापन
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय ने पशु जैव चिकित्सकीय अपशिष्ट प्रबन्धन एवं निस्तारण पर पशुचिकित्सा अधिकारियों का प्रशिक्षण आयोजित
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय व्यवसायिक भेड़ एवं बकरी पालन प्रशिक्षण शुरू
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय ने पशु जैव चिकित्सकीय अपशिष्ट प्रबन्धन एवं निस्तारण पर पशुचिकित्सा अधिकारियों का प्रशिक्षण आयोजित
- सतत बकरी पालन हेतु क्षमता निर्माण प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम शुरू
- नवनिर्मित विवेकानंद व्याख्यान कक्ष का हुआ उद्घाटन
- अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस का हुआ आयोजन
- डेयरी विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी महाविद्यालय, बीछवाल में मनाया अर्न्तराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस
- Open Tender for Multifunction Photocopier machine Model RICOH at RAJUVAS Bikaner
- Open Tender for milk at LRS Nohar
- Open Tender for cleaner cum grader at KVK Nohar
- Limited Tender for for groundnut straw at LRS Kodemdesar Bikaner for AICRP Goat
- Open Tender for Forage Harvester and Power Reaper at LRS Beechwal Bikaner
- Open Tender for cow milk at LRS Beechwal Bikaner
- Open Tender for cow milk at LRS Dag
- Open Tender for supply and installation of Egg Setter and Hatcher at CVAS, Bikaner
- Open Tender for Air Conditioners at PGIVER, Jaipur
- Open Tender for Veterinary Hematology Analyzer at PGIVER, Jaipur
- Open Tender for False Ceiling, Wall Paneling (PVC) with LED Lights at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Corrigendum for Aluminum Partitioning Fabrication Work with Material and Labour at PGIVER Jaipur
- Open tender for Florescent immunoassay analyzer at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Open Tender for Aluminum Partitioning & Fabrication work with material and Labour at PGIVER PREMISES
- Aluminum Partitioning Fabrication Work at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Limited Tender for installation and preparation of badminton court in Navania, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur
- Limited tender for NPBI Vallabhnagar, Udaipur
- Open tender for Poultry Feed at CVAS Bikaner
- Financial Bid opening for Flat Interactive Panel
- Rate contract for supply of fodder for Kharif crop at RAJUVAS, Bikaner
- Rate approval order of Feed supplement at CFMMP, RAJUVAS
- Rate approval order of Mineral Salts for mineral mixture at CFMMP, RAJUVAS
- Rate approved order copy for generator set at CVAS, Bikaner
- Approved rate for Generator set at CVAS, Bikaner
- Work order for Feed Ingredient at RAJUVAS, Bikaner
- Work order for Feed Ingredient at RAJUVAS, Bikaner
- Rate contract order
- Rate contract order
- Rate contract order
- Rate contract order
- Rate Approved order for General Items at CVAS, Bikaner
- Last date extension NIT UTM
- Construction of Gate and Balance work of Boundary wall
- Construction of Mineral Mixture Plan under RKVY Project at LRS, Chandan Jaisalmer
- Construction of Boundary wall and other work at Nava(Nagour)
- Work order for Human resource
- Renovation Work in Sahds for Cattle feed plant at LRS Dag, Jhalawar
- Work Order of Mash Cattle Feed Plant
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