Organizations of Training
The trainings are regularly imparted as an extension service to the livestock owners and farmers on all aspects of animal husbandry, the improve animal husbandry practices in the state for improved productivity of animals and better livelihood of the farmers. Directorate of Extension Education organizes mainly three types of trainings:
Institutional Trainings: These Trainings are organized in the premises of Pashu Vigyan Kendra and Krishi Vigyan Kenda for the development of knowledge and skill of livestock owners. Trainings are organized for more than two days for detailed information on a subject related to animal husbandry. These trainings are related to animal nutrition, reproduction, management, health protection and disease diagnosis. Practical information is given to the livestock farmers by taking them to the units of the center. In these training, scientific information is given to the livestock farmers by providing them with the literature published by the center such as folders, booklets, leaflets etc.
Non-institutional Trainings: Outside the premises of the Pashu Vigyan Kendra and Krishi Vigyan Kenda, trainings are organized at the farm of livestock owner, village and panchayat level. The main objective of these trainings is to solve the problem of livestock owners through training at their place. Along with this, livestock owners are also made aware about new schemes and techniques. In the training, literature published by the center such as monthly magazines, folders, booklets, leaflets etc. is also made available to the livestock owners.
Sponsored Trainings: At these centres, trainings sponsored by other organizations like ATMA, Agriculture Department, ICAR, voluntary organizations etc. are also organized from time to time. These trainings are often organized for employment oriented and skill development. Like poultry farming, improved goat rearing etc. In the training, scientific information is provided to the livestock farmers by making available literature published by the centre such as guides, folders, booklets, leaflets etc.
Training under Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA): Directorate of Extension Education organize out sourced trainings under Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) by Pashu Vigyan Kendras.
Training under Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi SC-SP plan:
Directorate of Extension Education regularly organize trainings under Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SC-SP) of ICAR, New Delhi.
Training under Agriculture Skill Council of India, New Delhi (ASCI):
Directorate of Extension Education organize out sourced trainings under Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI). Under ASCI, various training programmes viz. Animal Health Worker, Small Poultry Farmer and AI Technician have been conducted.
Training under Department of Gopalan, Govt. of Rajasthan:
Directorate of Extension Education organize out sourced trainings with in collobaration with Department of Gopalan, Govt. of Rajasthan. These training programmes were organized for gaushala managers/ dairy moderators of state.
Online Training Programme:
During the corona pandemic, the university started online training camps for farmers and livestock farmers. Under extension services, online training programmes are organized regularly on the subjects of animal husbandry to increase livestock productivity and the livelihood of livestock owners in the state.
Skill Development Training Campaign:
A programme was initiated for skill development of livestock owners under the Pashupaalak Kaushal Vikaas Prashikshan Abhiyaan. Skill development training campaign was carried out in a series manner by all the Pashu Vigyan Kendras located in different districts of the state so that animal owners could develop their skills and increase their income by adopting them as self-employment.
“Dhine Re Batya” Aakashwani Programme
University in its outreach activities exclusively for the farmers started a sponsored programme entitled “Dhine Re Batya” on All India Radio from 10 January 2013 from Bikaner Aakashwani Kendra. The programme was broadcast on every Thursday from 7.15 PM to 7.45 PM. Later, with the success of the programme and upon receiving vast appreciation from farmers, on 14th May 2014 the broadcast of the programme was extended to entire State i.e. now the programme is broadcasted from all the 17 Aakashwani Kendras of Rajasthan for half an hour from 5.30 PM to 6.00 PM on every Thursday. The sponsored programme is entirely on animal husbandry sector for livestock owners and farmers. The subject matter specialists of different disciplines of veterinary and animal science deliver talks and discuss about various problems of livestock, adaptable technologies, scientific knowledge and other updates that may help the livestock owners for better livelihood from animal husbandry sector and scientific practices in terms of feeding, breeding, management and health control, may be adopted by livestock owners for improving productivity and health status of animals.
Advisory Services through SMS and Toll Free Help Line
With the commitment of University to shift Radio-govemance an “SMS Advisory Service” to farmers has also been brought in practice by the University. The details of farmers along with the mobile number and other details are uploaded in the software and SMS advisory, as well as fore-warning of diseases in his area with preventive measures, are forwarded to the farmers as and when needed. The registration of farmers with SMS service is a regular ongoing feature so as to increase out reach of the University for benefit of maximum number of livestock owners in the State. Further a “Toll Free Helpline” has been launched by University for use by livestock and poultry owners as well as vets and para-vets to seek information and guidance in the area of veterinary and animal science to solve their problems. The toll free number is 1800-180-6224. This helpline has become a viable tool to livestock owners for contacting experts and communicating their problems to receive solutions.
Publication of Monthly Hindi Bulletin Pashu Palan Naye Aayaam”
“Pashu Palan Naye Aayaam” a monthly bulletin is published by Directorate of Extension Education of the University. The bulletin contains information on animal husbandry practices, diseases and their prevention, improved feeding, breeding and management aspects for the use of livestock owners.
In addition to this, important news in animal husbandry and agriculture sector, disease fore-warning and schedule of Radio of “Dhine Re Batya” on AIR the. The bulletin is published on 1st of every month and disseminated to the farmers by post. The bulletin has received wide appreciation and has been reported to be very useful by the farmers.
Organisation of Treatment and Infertility Camps
The university regularly organises treatment and infertility camps as a part of its outreach programme in the villages Radio veterinary services for the well being of livestock and farmers at the doorstep of farmers. In it is not only that veterinary care service a to livestock owners but improved practices of animal husbandry broadcast to the farmers for improvement in productivity and health status of animals.
Organization of Exhibitions
The major activities of DEE is to prepare exhibits, models, display boards, etc., arranging exhibitions, highlighting research achievements of the University in the fields of veterinary and animal science, and also to participate in exhibitions organised by other institutions/organisations at National and State levels. Directorate of Extension Education arranges several exhibitions at National, State, Zonal and District levels.
Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav Programme
After launching of the “Mera Gaon Mera Gaurav (My Village My Pride) by Hon’ble Prime Minister on July, 2015 and the directives received from the ATARI, Jodhpur, Rajasthan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bikaner constituted 41 teams of multidisciplinary scientists. These teams have adopted 142 villages. Activities have been carried out through creating strong linkages with Government, Non-government, Cooperatives and NGOs in convergence mode. The teams are regularly visiting the selected villages and impartarting the latest information on animal husbandry and agriculture to the farmers through different extension tools like gosthi, mobile phones, literature, community radio etc. They are also sensitizing them with issues of national interests like Swatchh Bharat Abhiyan, Climate change, Water Conservation etc.
E-Pashupalak Chaupal
In view of Mahatma Gandhi’s best ideas about rural development via animal welfare, “E-Pashupalak Chapal” was launched on 2 October 2020. Live telecast of “E-Pashupalak Chapal” is being done continuously on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month on the official Facebook page of the university. This online e-Pashupalak Choupal bring together the farmers, enterpreneurs and rural youth associated with Animal husbandry and provide suitable digital medium to get acquinted with the latest technology of Animal husbandry for improvement of livestock based economy through raising livestock production. The eminent speaker of different disciplines of veterinary and animal science deliver talk in this choupal and discuss about various problems of livestock, adaptable technologies, scientific knowledge and other updates that may help the livestock owners for better livelihood from animal husbandry sector and scientific practices in terms of feeding, breeding, management and health control, may be adopted by livestock owners for improving productivity and health status of animals.
University Social Responsibility
The Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan has taken up the initiative of adoption of a village by every State University in Rajasthan for developing Smart Village with the purpose of ensuring that it becomes a model village where all the schemes of Central Government and State Government are effectively implemented and dovetailed with innovative projects initiated by respective universities.
Objective: Improving the quality of life of all sections of community, provide basic civic amenities for improvement of livelihood opportunities and increase in productivity.
As per the directives of Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan Diayan village under Gram Panchayat Naal Badi of Bikaner Tehsil was adopted in July, 2015. Hon’ble Governor of Rajasthan visited and addressed the Kissan Sammelan in September, 2015. Establishment of information centre and village library, installation of solar pannels in school building, construction of rain water harvesting system and water tank in school, construction of hall in school with assistance of District Collector office, Construction of village pond with partial assistance of Zila Parishad, Bikaner, establishment of Sub Centre of Animal Husbandry by State Department of Animal Husbandry, electrification of the school building, installation of the canal water pipe line by PHED were major infrastructural development conducted by the University.
The second adopted village under University Social Responsibility is Jaimalsar of Bikaner Tehsil. Establishment of Computer Literacy Centre, renovation of old pond, sewan grass plantation, skill development programmes, animal health camps, plantation, ayurvedic medical camps, mask & sanitizer distribution are major activities orgranized by the University.
The third adopted village is Garhwala of Bikaner Tehsil in which the major activities performed by the University are up gradation of animal husbandry as well as medical health and family welfare Sub Centre, contact to education department for separate school arrangements for girls, assistance in breed improvement of animals, animal health camps, ayurvedic medical camps, mask & sanitizer distribution.
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय सड़क सुरक्षा जागरूकता कार्यशाला आयोजित जीरो एक्सीडेंट माह के प्रयास होने आवश्यक: हरिभाऊ किसनराव बागडे, राज्यपाल राजस्थान
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- प्रेस-विज्ञप्ति वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय उन्नत गौशाला प्रबंधन पर तीन दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण प्रारम्भ
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- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय प्रसार शिक्षा में नई दक्षता, कैरियर एवं अनुसंधान प्राथमिकताओं पर सात राज्यों के स्नातकोत्तर विद्यार्थियों का प्रशिक्षण प्रारंभ
- गौशाला प्रबंधकों के तीन दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण का हुआ समापन
- डॉ. झीरवाल को राज्य स्तरीय गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह-2025 में किया गया सम्मानित
- पशु स्वास्थ्य और जैव विविधता संरक्षण जागरूकता शिविर का आयोजन
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय गौशाला प्रबंधकों एवं डेयरी संचालकों का तीन दिवसीय प्रशिक्षण शुरू
- “पशुपालन डिप्लोमा कार्यक्रमः सुधार और उपलब्धियां“ विषय पर पी.जी.आई.वी.ई.आर., जयपुर में कार्यशाला का आयोजन
- गांव बम्बलू में बेटी बचाओं-बेटी पढ़ाओं एवं प्रौढ़ शिक्षा जागरूकता कार्यक्रम
- वेटरनरी विद्यार्थियों के हुए प्लेसमेंट साक्षात्कार
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय आई.सी.ए.आर. सहायक महानिदेशक ने की फैकल्टी के साथ समन्वय बैठक
- सर्जिकल एवं डायग्नोस्टिक इमेजिंग तकनीकों के पशु उपचार में उपयोग विषय पर 21 दिवसीय शीतकालीन प्रशिक्षण समापन
- 76वें गणतंत्र दिवस का हुआ भव्य आयोजन कुलपति आचार्य मनोज दीक्षित ने किया ध्वजारोहण
- पी.जी.आई.वी.ई.आर., जयपुर में 76वें गणतंत्र दिवस समारोह का आयोजन
- पी.जी.आई.वी.ई.आर., जयपुर में खेलकूद एवं सांस्कृतिक सप्ताह ’’उमंग-2025’’ का समापन
- प्रेस-विज्ञप्ति वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय गांव कतरियासर में प्रौढ़ शिक्षा एवं बेटी बचाओं बेटी पढ़ाओं जागरूकता कार्यक्रम
- वेटरनरी विश्वविद्यालय जैव चिकित्सा अपशिष्ट के उचित प्रबंधन और निस्तारण विषय पर जागरूकता अभियान
- Open Tender for False Ceiling, Wall Paneling (PVC) with LED Lights at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Corrigendum for Aluminum Partitioning Fabrication Work with Material and Labour at PGIVER Jaipur
- Open tender for Florescent immunoassay analyzer at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Open Tender for Aluminum Partitioning & Fabrication work with material and Labour at PGIVER PREMISES
- Aluminum Partitioning Fabrication Work at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Limited Tender for installation and preparation of badminton court in Navania, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur
- Limited tender for NPBI Vallabhnagar, Udaipur
- Open tender for Poultry Feed at CVAS Bikaner
- Open tender for All In One PC at CDFT Bassi
- Limited Tender-03 Anti Plagiarism Software
- limited tender For Network Project on Buffalo Improvement
- Limited Tender-02 Power Factor Maintenance PGIVER CAMPURS AND MANSAROVAR COMPUS
- Open tender for LRS Kodemdesar
- Tender for Tenting Facility, Decoration and Stage Preparation at CVAS, Navania, Udaipur
- Tender for Milk at CVAS Navania, Udaipur
- Limited Tender for Feed Ingredients for Revolving Fund Project at Bikaner
- Limited Tender for Multifunction Photocopier Machine at CDFT, Jaipur
- Tender for Elisa Kits at Navania, Vallabhnagar, Udaipur
- Financial Bid opening for Flat Interactive Panel
- Rate contract for supply of fodder for Kharif crop at RAJUVAS, Bikaner
- Rate approval order of Feed supplement at CFMMP, RAJUVAS
- Rate approval order of Mineral Salts for mineral mixture at CFMMP, RAJUVAS
- Rate approved order copy for generator set at CVAS, Bikaner
- Approved rate for Generator set at CVAS, Bikaner
- Work order for Feed Ingredient at RAJUVAS, Bikaner
- Work order for Feed Ingredient at RAJUVAS, Bikaner
- Rate contract order
- Rate contract order
- Rate contract order
- Rate contract order
- Rate Approved order for General Items at CVAS, Bikaner
- Last date extension NIT UTM
- Construction of Gate and Balance work of Boundary wall
- Construction of Mineral Mixture Plan under RKVY Project at LRS, Chandan Jaisalmer
- Construction of Boundary wall and other work at Nava(Nagour)
- Work order for Human resource
- Renovation Work in Sahds for Cattle feed plant at LRS Dag, Jhalawar
- Work Order of Mash Cattle Feed Plant
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