Faculty Name | Dr. Devender Kumar Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of veterinary gynaecology and obstetrics , CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (Vet. Gyn.) |
Email Id | dr.devenderkumarsuthar@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 8094977175 |

Faculty Name | Ms. Gayatri Gujar Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Livestock Production Management, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.Sc & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (LPM) |
Email Id | gujargayatri@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 8209134191 |

Faculty Name | Dr. Hemlata Chouhan Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.SC &A.H., M.V.Sc & Ph.D. (ABG) |
Email Id | dr.hemlatachouhan@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9928751583 |

Faculty Name | Dr. Jagriti Srivastav Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. & Ph.D. ( Ani. Nutrition) |
Email Id | drjagriti.srivastav@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9413278529 |

Faculty Name | Dr. Nikhil Shringi Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Veterinary Anatomy, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. , NET (Veterinary Anatomy) |
Email Id | drnikhilshringi23@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9782499312 |

Faculty Name | Dr. Parmest Vishnu Kumar Sharma Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Librarian |
Place of Posting | Department of College Library, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | MLIS, BLIS, P.hD. |
Email Id | parmestvishnu@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9667364848 |

Faculty Name | Dr. Pooja Solanki Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Veterinary Medicine, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D. (Vety. Medicine) |
Email Id | poojasolanki2011994@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 8619888728 |

Faculty Name | Dr. Satendra Kumar Yadav Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Livestock Production Management, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. & Ph.D. (LPM) |
Email Id | vetsatendra@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9454245518 |

Faculty Name | Sumnil Marwaha Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Veterinary Medicine, |
Degrees | B.V.Sc & A.H. and M.V.Sc. & P.hD. (Veterinary Medicine) |
Email Id | marwahasumnil828@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9414636611 |

Faculty Name | Tara Chand Nayak Curriculum Vitae |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Place of Posting | Department of Veterinary Medicine, CVAS, Jodhpur |
Degrees | BVSc & AH, MVSc |
Email Id | tsubhashnayak@gmail.com |
Telephone No. | 9461319494 |