
Research Projects completed:


Project Title



Studies on the histology of the skin of the indigenous cattle (Bos indicus) and indigenous sheep (Ovis aries) in various seasons of the year under arid conditions. 1980 – 1985


Studies on the histology of the skin in the Indian camel (Camelus drmedarius) 1985 – 2000


Studies on the histology of the skin of the indigenous buffalo calves (Bubaus bubalis) 2001 – 2010

Research Achievements of the projects:

1. The microscopic studies carried out of the skin of sheep ranging from 2-3 years in age and the cattle of 9-15 years of age, revealed that the number of hair follicles in per area of cattle was higher in summer season followed by autumn season and the number of hair follicles in per area was highest in the neck region amongst the different areas studied. Similarly number wool follicles in per area were highest in the summer season followed by winter season.
2. The microscopic studies carried out of the skin of camel ranging from 10-15 years in age revealed that dermis consisted of parallel collagen fibres and coarse elastic fibres along with the fibroblasts. There were on an average 16 hair follicles, 10 Sebaceous glands and 21 sweat glands per Out of the areas studied there were 18 hair follicles in the extensor surface 12 sebaceous glands in thigh region and 23 sweat glands on flexor surface.
3. The microscopic studies carried out of the skin of the indigenous buffalo calves revealed that number of hair follicles were highest in the neck region.


Research by the PG/Ph.D. students:

S. No.

Title of the M.V. Sc./Ph.D. thesis Name of the student Name of the major advisor Year


Histological &Histochemical studies of adrenal glands of Bikaneri camels (Camelus dromedaries) Jagdev Kumar Verma Dr. M.L.Mathur 1968


Gross and histological and certain hisochemical observations on the testes and poll glands of camel (Camelus dromedaries) during different phases of sexual cycle. U.B. Singh M.B.L.Bhardwaj 1970Ph.D.


Topographical & microscopic studies of the parathyroid gland in relation to calcium level in the laying and nonlaying whiteleghorn hens (Gallus domesticus) Sanjeev Joshi Dr. M.L.Mathur 1985


Gross and histomorphological studies of the kidney in Marwari goat (Capra hircus) Arjun Singh Kachhawa Dr. K. S. Deora 1994


Gross and histological studies of the kidney in camel (Camelus dromedarius). Geeta Beniwal Dr. K. S. Deora 1995


Gross and histological studies of the liver in magara sheep (Ovis aries ). Pushpa Pareek Dr. K. S. Deora 2001


Gross and histological studies of tongue in sheep (Ovis aries). Sudhesh Kachhawah Dr. K. S. Deora 2001


Gross and Histological studies of the spleen of Sheep (Ovis aries) Pankaj Thanvi Dr. K. S. Deora 2003


Gross anatomical studies of the skull of Indian Tiger (Panthera tigris) Hemant Joshi Dr. K. S. Deora 2004


Gross and Histological studies on adrenal gland of Sheep (Ovis aries) K. G. Nama Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2007


Gross and Histological studies of the testes of Dog (Canis familaris) K. K. Sharma Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2007


Gross and Histological studies on adrenal gland of Goat (Capra hircus) in semi arid zone Ashok Dangi Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2007


Gross and histological studies on the testes of Marwari goat (Capra hircus) Y.M. Sheikh Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2009


Gross Studies on the Bones of the Forelimb of Indian Gazelle (Gazella gazella bennetti) Dinesh Kumar Jangir Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2010


Gross Anatomical Studies On The Bones Of Skull In Chital (Axis axis) Ramswarup Kumawat Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2011


Gross   Studies   On The Bones Of Hind Limb   In Chital (Axis axis) Shiv Chand Yadav Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2011


Gross   Studies   On The Bones Of Hind Limb   In Chital (Axis axis) Om Prakash  Choudary Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2011


Gross Studies on the Bones of Vertebral Column in Chital (Axis axis) Vijay Kumar Meena Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2012


Gross and histological studies on the spleen of Marwari goat (Capra hircus) Harku Devi Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2012


Gross and Histological Studies on the Tongue of Marwari goat (Capra hircus) Ms. Nisha Arora Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2013


Gross and Histological Studies on the kidney of Marwari Sheep (Ovis aries) Krishnanad Singh Dr. Sanjeev Joshi 2013


Gross and Histological Studies on the Testes of Marwari Sheep (Ovis aries) Anurag Singh Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2013


Gross and Histological Studies on the liver of Marwari goat (Capra hircus) Mahesh Kumar Bamaniya Dr. Rakesh Mathur 2013