
Faculty Name Dr. (Mrs) Samita Saini
Curriculum Vitae
Designation Assistant Professor & Incharge
Place of Posting Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding,
PGIVER, Jaipur
Degrees B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc.& Ph.D. (ABG)
Email Id samitasaini123@yahoo.com
Telephone No. 9414848844
Faculty Name Dr. VISHNU KUMAR
Curriculum Vitae
Designation Assistant Professor
Place of Posting Department of Animal Genetics & Breeding,
PGIVER, Jaipur
Degrees B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc.& Ph.D. (ABG)
Email Id vishnukumarvijay@gmail.com
Telephone No. 9571881871