
Faculty Name Dr. (Mrs). Sanjita Sharma
Designation Professor & Head
Place of Posting Department of Livestock Production and Management,
PGIVER, Jaipur
Degrees B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc & Ph.D.( Animal Nutrition)
Email Id drsanjitas@yahoo.co.in
Telephone No. 9649551451
Faculty Name Dr. Navav Singh
Designation Assistant Professor
Place of Posting Department of Livestock Production and Management,
PGIVER, Jaipur
Degrees B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc ( Livestock Production)
Email Id drnavavsinghdhaker@gmail.com
Telephone No. 89638-08030
Faculty Name Dr. Shweta Choudhary
Curriculum Vitae
Designation Assistant Professor
Place of Posting Department of Livestock Production and Management,
PGIVER, Jaipur
Degrees M.V.Sc and NET
Email Id vet.shwetakhicher@gmail.com
Telephone No. 9602265655